Cut back early flowering perennials

This encourages new foliage and often a second flush of flowers. This also prevents self-seeding from invasive plants such as Alchemilla mollis.

Fill in any gaps in the borders

While there is still plenty of stock available, visit the nursery and buy plants to restock your borders. If you do it now, plants get chance to become established before autumn winter when they may be cut back.

Raise the blades on your lawn mower

This helps the grass look greener for longer if there is a shortage of rain. If the grass turns brown, it will soon recuperate with significant rainfall.

Sow late veg

Vegetables suitable for sowing now:

  • Beetroot
  • Spring onions
  • Lettuce
  • Carrots
  • Calabrese
  • Pak Choi
  • Kohl Rabi
Peg down strawberry runners

They can be pegged into pots, or straight into the ground. Lift them when they have a produced a good root system. These can then be at a distance of 30cm (12”) , in rows 60cm (2’) apart.

Cut back Lavender after flowering

Cut back to approximately 3cm (2-3”) below the flower stems. This promotes new growth and helps maintain a bushy habit. Do not cut into old wood as this rarely reshoots.

Feed greenhouse crops

For fruiting and flowering crops such as tomatoes, aubergines, peppers and chillies, use a high potash feed such as Tomorite. This encourages flowering and therefore fruiting.